Company Profile

Company Profile

Corporate name Proroute Marumitsu Co., Ltd.
4th floor, Robel Building, 2-5-5 Kitakyuhoji-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Office ・Proroute Marumitsu Osaka Main Store
  • Postcode:541-0057 2-6-8,Kitakyuhoji-cho,Chuo-ku,Osaka
  • TEL.+81-6-6258-0308
・Tenma Distribution Center
  • Postcode:632-0081 32, Nikaido-Kaminosho-Cho, Tenri-city, Nara
  • TEL.+81-743-64-2507
Founded 1900
Established March,27,1951
Capital Stock 662,000,000yen
    (as of March 20, 2023)
Number of employees88(as of June 16, 2022)
    (N.B. In addition to the figures stated above, 35 temporary employees are also enrolled.
Description of Main Business ・General wholesale clothing (clothing, apparel, bedding, interior)
・Proroute mall business (Proroute mall)
・D2C brand business


1900Founded as “Maeda Riemon Shoten” at Utsubomachi Nishi-ku Osaka-shi
1919Moved to Honmachi, Higashi ward, Osaka City and changed the shop name into “Maeda Hikaru Shoten”
Started sending direct mail titled “Youtanmonodayori - Western Fabrics Newsletter” and mail-order business.
1946 January - Changed the shop name into soft goods wholesale store “Marumitsu Shoten” and resumed the business which was cut down during the war.
1951March - Marumitsu Co., Ltd. founded at Osaka, 1-Chome, Minami Kyuhoji-cho, Higashi Ward, Osaka City
1959 September - As a self-service style, converted to an advanced cash-basis wholesaler of general clothing and apparel goods at 2-Chome, Minami Kyuujouji-cho, Higashi Ward, Osaka City
1971 September - Started unit control system by innovated online computer.
1983 August - Starting its foray into CI (corporate identity), began to be designated under its new name of Proroute Co., Ltd.
1984 November - Developed and introduced Industry’s First Cashless Stocking Card “Proroute Card” System.
1988 June - Changed the corporate name into ““Proroute Marumitsu Co., Ltd.”
1988 November - Went public and enrolled in Japan Security Dealers Association as quotation
1994 June - Commenced operations of Tenri distribution Center
2002 April - Commenced operations of Proroute Marumitsu Fukuoka Store.
2005 January - Acquired ownership of Sunmar Corporation - “Kent House”.
2019 June - Opening of flagship store in Osaka
2020 March - Opening of store in Sakaisuji Honmachi

Proroute Marumitsu Co., Ltd.

Headquarters Postcode:541-0057
4th floor, Robel Building, 2-5-5 Kitakyuhoji-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Copyright(C)2024 Proroute Marumitsu.All Rights Reserved..